BigText 1.3

The BigText comamnd is used to print big text using X11 fonts. It is similar to many other banner(1) commands, except that it has all of the X11 fonts to draw with.

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BigText runs on almost any flavor of UNIX which has X11 and an X11 Font Server. The source distribution is self configuring using a GNU Autoconf generated configure script.

BigText can be used to draw .sig blocks, but the results are not always small enough; you may like to check Figlet as well.

BigText is written and owned by Peter Miller <pmiller@ opensource. org. au> and is freely distributable under the terms and conditions of the GNU GPL. There is more Software by Peter Miller at his home page. Logo This page is hosted by SourceForge.
This page has been accessed approximately times since 19-May-2012.